Our silent partner and co-owner, Michael Bessinger, had his 70th birthday on August 23, 2020. Furthermore, Duck Grobbelaar and Michael will have their 26th wedding anniversary on September 24, 2020.
To celebrate these two special events, we have thrown registration open to the first 500 members!
If you are part of the first 500 members to join, you would get a FREE Founder Platinum membership. But hurry! Time is running out! Current count of FREE memberships are listed on the HOME page. (Or click the flag at the top of this page.)
VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT As Duck had a problem with her OLD email address, she changed to a NEW address (actually TWO) and therefore you would see some changes in certain places on this website. She also DISCONTINUED her service with Matthew Graves. She have replaced the whole service with THREE mailers. Check the STATISTICS page for details about ALL the places she's currently advertising for her customers. |